Inspiring & Developing the Next-Gen Construction Workforce
Onboarding a New Generation of Top Construction Talent & Providing the Skill Sets Needed to Cement Their Career in Construction
Designed for Talent Development Leaders Focused on Inspiring & Onboarding Their Next-Gen Construction Workforce
Separately Bookable Session
Wednesday, September 25 | 7.30am-10.00am
This breakfast-brief aims to encourage construction TD leaders who are looking to inspire, onboard and develop a new workforce to commit to a career in construction. This morning will deep-dive into the innovative strategies construction firms are implementing to attract and develop a new generation, with focused career paths and opportunities for growth, in order to develop their skill sets both personally and professionally and gain a loyal workforce. With a mixture of case study-led presentations and a meaningful panel discussion, you will get beneath the skin of how we inspire, develop and retain our top construction talent. Leave inspired with insights, connections and new ideas to advance your internal talent development strategy to successfully educate, onboard and develop your next-gen construction talent.
How Can We Do More to Ensure that the Perception of a Career in Construction is Changed & to Showcase the Opportunities for Development & Career Growth to Potential Candidates?
Evolving Communication & Development to Adhere to the Generational Talent in Ways that Best Meet their Needs, Role & Thought Processes
Leveraging Partnerships with Schools, Colleges & Universities to Inspire & Onboard a New Generation Determined to Develop Their Skills & Commit to a Career in Construction